Which side to choose!
You must have heard that money is everything, and do you believe It. Don't worry, I will not be compelling you to change your beliefs. I will rather say not to ever change your beliefs unless there is enough proof and you are satisfied from within. One of the worst things you can do is lie to yourselves. You should be completely honest with yourself. What I mean is don't ever believe something is true, just because those around you do so. Don't believe that money is everything just because you heard it. You may believe so only after a debate inside your head. When you hear an idea, the first thing you should do is evaluate the good sides as well as the bad ones, rely on genuine information, then see which side wins. If you are convinced beyond any doubt about something, then you should believe that.
But if you are in a state of doubt, then don't rush to a conclusion; rather, be patient. It's okay to remain in a neutral state. "When there is no need to make a decision, don't make a decision," Falkland's Law. You don't always have to pick a side for every conflict that comes up. I am not saying not to pick any side, but be patient enough to be convinced with some real facts before you choose. Choose wisely. The moment you pick a side on random thoughts, all that will come to your mind will be only the good things of the side you chose and the bad things about the side you didn't choose. Some people have so much ego that they won't ever change their side or ever admit that they chose the wrong side or what they said was not correct. This is the reason why we see so many quarrels even for silly matters. It may seem silly from our perspective, but it would be devastating for some to accept they were wrong.
What is wrong with being wrong? Without a wrong side, there is no right side. Everyone makes mistakes, or sometimes we may not be aware of certain facts initially, and we choose the wrong side. One should regularly ask themselves without zero bias "Given the facts and circumstances, am I really sure about choosing this particular point of view? If I am not sure, I'd rather wait for more details." Conducting an Internal debate in your mind is the best course of action. You should accept we all are humans and humans can commit mistakes Try to be more peaceful whenever someone tries to start a fight or irritate you. If you also start shouting like them, how are you different from them. No matter who started the fight or who is wrong, everyone makes mistakes. Try to calm them down first. Don't say anything harsh like they are wrong directly, just peacefully discuss everything and come to a conclusion. Like I said before while you are discussing don't be confident that you are right. You will be surprised that no matter how confident you are, you may be wrong sometimes. It doesn't matter who was right or wrong. What matters is "Have you finally reached the right side".
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