Positivity and satisfaction.

You may have advised someone to think positively. Is always thinking positively good?. I have seen some people to be very optimistic and some not at all. Both the extremes are not good. If you only think about the bright side for instance  “I will surely get the job no matter what”, maybe you won’t get a job because your confidence will surely make you lazy. But if you think “I won’t ever get a job because I am not good enough” you will not get the job either.

So what should you think? The best thing to do is don’t even think at all. You are not selected for the job based on what you think, you are selected for your skills. So, stop thinking about the outcome and the only thing that matters is “Do your best”. Only way you can increase your confidence is by learning more. Youngsters waste a lot of time thinking what career they should choose or what is their passion. To find your passion ask yourselves “What is the one thing that you can do all day”. Nowadays when most people choose a career they care only about money and fame. Becoming a millionaire brings happiness, not just the money itself. For instance, if you finish first in a running race brings joy irrespective of whether there is a final cash price or not.  The process of achievement gives happiness. Appreciation will make a person feel good, regardless of how often he says “I don’t care what the society says”. The funny fact is that many say this motto only when they face criticism and not when they are being praised.

What most people are not aware about is how fortunate our current generation is. When you look back at history with all the wars, discriminations, poverty, famines, cold-blooded murders based on caste, race you may be grateful not to have been born a century earlier. If you are reading this, then you are fortunate enough to possess a phone or computer. To truly appreciate your good fortune, consider questions like “What if I were born in one of the impoverished countries where people struggle to afford to have three meals a day” or “What if I were blind, what job will I do” or “How will I see the reels if I were born in a war-torn area like Ukraine”. Thinking like this you can stop lamenting your life is miserable because you don't have an iPhone. If you find yourself criticizing your country for not being wealthy take a moment to read about life in North Korea. Compared with the less fortunate people, you can be more grateful in life. Apply this concept to all aspects of your life. Be happy with what you have and always develop the greed to acquire more just as the saying goes "Greed is good" as depicted in the movie Wall Street(1987).



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